so here we go….deep breath….

I wouldn't ordinarily use my blog to share this sort of thing with so many people. But lets just say my courage starts to diminish when i think about sharing this bit of information with even some of my closest friends and somehow it feels a bit easier to just launch it into cyber space and you can all, those who know me and those who only cyber 'know' me, make of it what you will….

okay so that was quite a prologue huh? 

We are very very unexpectedly expecting a baby…….

and no I'm not joking. 

I was going to try and express every thought and emotion i have had since we discovered this, because i have had just about every one you could imagine and probably some that you wouldn't be able to. But the truth is I have no idea even how to articulate it. I am still in shock. We are still in shock. 

We were not planning to have anymore children and without going into any deliberate details, because really who wants to read those sort of details….er… certain things did not work and we became part of the 2% failure rate…okay? enough said…

We had, we felt completed our family and what we thought was going to be in our immediate future seems to have  scattered.. being as we had plans, dreams, for the family that we were hoping to see the tiny buds and beginnings of in this coming 12-18 months and now i have no idea what will happen to those. 

Heck, i have no idea how to cope with more people in this house, more washing, more food, more everything? I have even sold or given away most of my maternity stuff…..

All that is without worrying about how ben and i will ever have enough time to spread between so many little folk…without screwing them all up and ending up on an episode of jeremy kyle!..and how we will ever get enough time to sit down over a cup of coffee together and go 'oh hello you..'

Im just trying so very hard to have faith and trust that things will work out, it will be okay.

So this is a little bit of a bizarre way to tell people..yes i know…there are very few people who know up to this point…unless there are some guessers out there, i dont know. 

But I have to say i am nervous of people's responses…which i guess in a way is why i am taking a bit of the easy way out and not telling people face to face because im not sure i have thick enough skin for a greater amount of negativity than i got last time. 

I did get an ample share of the nay-sayers, head shakers, sharp intake of breaths, wide eyed amazement type looks and plenty of the comments to go with them as well and so im trying to brace myself. 

But a sweet friend of mine who i know but haven't yet met emailed me a while back to just check in and say hi and i ended up spilling my news and anxiety and worry about it to her and she had the most positive and sweet response, full of excitement, hope and genuine congratulations….if its the only response i get like that i am eternally grateful 🙂

So there you have it. Cat out of the bag. With the wonders and speed of this method of communication I probably couldn't tell as many people face to face as quickly as putting it on here anyhow.

and just in case anyone wonders:

Yes we have a TV





  1. April 26, 2010 / 11:27 pm

    Yeah!!! I am SO thrilled and excited for you and your family!! I know exactly how you feel!! I really really do!!! 😉 Congrats!! I hope you are feeling well… Oh I really am so excited for you! Get as much rest as you can! Even if it is just laying down for a few minutes. You have a great family and another baby will make it even better! I was so worried about others reactions and you do find out who’s really got your back and who doesn’t, but the most surprising reaction i’ve gotten is people telling me they always secretly wanted a big family!
    I feel so close to you yet so far! My prayers are with you!!
    (I’m on my phone so please excuse my poor spelling and bad typing!)

  2. Kirstin Berridge
    April 26, 2010 / 11:33 pm

    Wow, Sarah congratulations! i thought it was going to be a post about going to NZ so was a bit shocked – i guess some things are just meant to be though and if anyone can do it you can – God will equip you and your family and maybe just maybe Isaac will get the brother he wanted! Thrilled for you guys and don’t worry about people’s responses – just ask God for a shedload of grace!

  3. April 27, 2010 / 2:53 am

    How wonderful!
    I have read or spied on your blog for a couple years (after I found you on peas in a pod) I guess that sounds sorta creepy, but
    I have five kids and you can do it! Out fifth baby was a piece of cake. I even got pregnant with an IUD and that is 1 out of 100,000 odds.
    Who knows. maybe it will be another boy, so your oldest isn’t so lonely
    Janna in Idaho, USA

  4. April 27, 2010 / 5:13 am

    wow! well….i can completely say that i totally understand. but i can also say that God never gives you more then you can take. 🙂 hang in there….this baby will be such a blessing for you all. take care!

  5. April 27, 2010 / 7:31 am

    brave lady to post that:) massive blessings to you along this way. Its going to be just fine, fabulous and okay yes, a lot like the old lady who lived in a shoe too 😉
    love you ooooodles!

  6. claire bowers
    April 27, 2010 / 7:34 am

    Sarah-what a surprise! I just wanted to say I’m always completely in awe of you-you will be amazing and I can’t think of anyone better to have 5 wonderful children!!! Xxxx

  7. Cousin Amanda
    April 27, 2010 / 9:10 am

    That is fantastic news! When is Baby James due? You look great and stayed up so late on Saturday. You beat me! Hugh thinks you are definitely winning now. He wants us to catch up. There is more than enough love to go around. Many, many congratulations! It may mean that future plans just need to be a little bit bigger! All our love xxxx

  8. Lauren
    April 27, 2010 / 11:57 am

    Oh Sarah, congratulations! I am so pleased for you guys. I am sure it’s quite scary at times, but God knows what he is doing and all life is such a gift from him. I know that he will give you the grace to cope in the tricky moments and that this little person will be a huge blessing to your family. 🙂

  9. Gill
    April 27, 2010 / 8:23 pm

    Sarah, So proud of you. You and Ben are such great parents and this little one will be incredibly blessed to be part of the James family. We love you loads and are here to help in any way we can. Much love Gill x x x x

  10. Helen
    April 28, 2010 / 5:52 pm

    Hey Sarah! New life is always something to celebrate!.. You go girl – no ‘explanations’ necessary – since WHEN did you think you had QUITE so much control? Man plans – God laughs! You are great parents and will continue to be – you’d only get bored talking to each other all the time…. Top tip: the May Family have bought an old Pub to renovate so they can all fit in….you might want to consider that..xx

  11. Debs
    April 28, 2010 / 8:05 pm

    🙂 how lovely!!
    There is a bit more space on your header for another gorgeous picture.
    I’d have as many kids as I could if I had the space and the money….Sid will one day (I hope) be the big brother of at least 1!
    Congratulations, planned or happy accident xxx

  12. Rachel gillard
    April 29, 2010 / 2:20 pm

    Always a bit behind, just read your blog….I just want to echo all that has been said above, you are a woman who loves a challenge, and are so full of love and commitment. You will manage, though some days will be hard, but that’s where we dig into God’s grace and love that bit more, just take one day at a time and trust Him for the future. You have such a gorgeous family and your kids are so blessed to have you and Ben as parents – heck you even take them ski-ing!!!! You are an inspiration. Love ya, xxxxx

  13. October 10, 2011 / 12:47 pm

    Oh, that’s so touching. And beautifully written. Congrats on the journey and the sensibility you bring.
    It’s lovely having an after-thought. V different because your chi never stops being surprised and amazed at them.
    Best wishes, Clara

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