a little bit inspirational

we went to London at the weekend, i mentioned that right? The reason we went was to watch some friends dedicate their little boy Toby. Also they are leaving to work in South Africa with a cool project called Sweet home farm in Johannesburg. Ben and Barry (the dad) are from the same part of the world and I lived in the same house as Barry before i got married and he is just a lovely guy. Anyway on Sunday we went along to his Son's dedication in London and I was just blown away when Barry got up to speak…He is a very 'articulate' guy anyway and so he was funny and too the point and obviously in his comfort zone up in front of people..but it wasnt that actually that grabbed me..it was the way he spoke about his Son, the way he could barely keep his eyes from watching all that he was doing. I have never seen a father so openly 'in love' with his child and it just totally touched my heart and made me feel very proud to call such a wonderful family, my friends. In a world where so many children's experience of a father can range from tragically abusive to totally absent it is just so incredibly reassuring to know that their are men who will set the standard to a new generation,,,We will miss them but wish them all the blessings on their new adventure….


1 Comment

  1. July 23, 2009 / 11:11 pm

    excellent observations! there are good guys still out there. 🙂

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