is apparently NOT the night to go to the local kids A&E (ER)….and yup after my last friday evening I can absolutely positively agree with that. Maisie fell over at school, in a pretty spectacular way it has to be said and then screamed about her arm for the next hour or so. Off we went, got booked in and when i got round to Minor injuries and saw there was not even a free chair my heart dropped.
She had calmed down by this time and was relatively happy but wouldnt move her arm or let me touch it..but when the lovely staff nurse spoke to her she smiled and laughed and moved her arm……okaaay….
An X ray and another wait and we got seen and told that there was possibly a tiny fracture at her wrist and they would treat conservatively anyway and splint it…which they did, she was not happy about that…
So we are going back next week and im guessing that they will say she is fine. But i made a large mental note to myself to remember that our Maisie is nothing if not a bit of a drama queen as she proved when we were half way to the hospital and she stopped screaming in a split second and said..
'mummy, when Poppy hurt her arm did she go to the hospital too!"