I saw someone today…

wearing driving gloves??? I had no idea that people still wore such things? Im sure it cant have been because her hands were cold, it was about 29degrees C (84F for those american friends)…maybe her steering wheel was really really hot? Maybe they were some of those gloves that people wear to keep their skin nice…I just don't know but i drove past this lady with her t shirt and pink cotton (looking) gloves on and thought…hmmmm..that looks weird…but maybe not, maybe its a new trend? Maybe we should all try it? no?

photography today bought to you by Poppy Grace, 3 years and 7 months…


all taken with a point and shoot that we let them pretty much have free reign off – but that might change since we recently discovered that Isaac had taken the camera into the bathroom with him…do i need to say anymore?…..


1 Comment

  1. July 6, 2009 / 11:00 am

    great pictures, Sarah! I love the kids’ perspectives.

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