Reasons to be cheerful…..

another little gem taken from the britgirl blog…go check her out.

So my reasons to be cheerful right now at this moment, 'cos obviously would be very easy to put down the kids and ben right? although that would be 5 reasons…er…anyway, back to the point…

1. picture frames waiting for pictures, waiting for the wall…finally!

2. A buddy of mine from work who emigrated to Oz about a month ago showing up on facebook…

3. Seeing a friend over the weekend who is about six months pregnant with her first baby and just feeling very happy to bask in the glow 🙂

Also feeling pretty happy that Matilda slept till 5am this morning, might not sound like much but is a small victory for me and a tiny deposit in the sleep bank which has been running quite overdrawn in the past week or so if you know what i mean…!!

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