
end of the day, just about keeping up with it. A few final thoughts before i fall into bed….

  • today our lodger moved out, she has lived with us for a year and i feel like tonight i have discovered a long forgotten room in our house. It feels nice to be just us again.
  • Isaac, who still shares with his little sisters, is due to have the now free room. Maisie moved her stuff up to his bunk the moment that she could and Isaac quietly said that he 'didnt want to move just yet.' Maisie was somewhat put out but i explained to her that Isaac has been sharing with her from about the age of 2 and so being on his own might be a bit strange and he might need time. i think she gets it ;) 
  • When it is throwing it down with rain and cold on the 1st August, it is probably not a good idea to go to a garden centre…so many things there to mock your sorry, wet and cold situation…..like these fantastic all singing barbies..seriously some of them? Would you ever need to be inside to cook again?         


  •  oh and apparently these are 'fun to collect…' Okaaaaaaay…


  •  its incredible isnt it that a day that starts with seemingly torrential rain can end up with us needing sunnies and hats..but it did……


Not a bad day all in all and lastly this little person who for now is soundly asleep. Praying for that to last the night 🙂


  1. August 2, 2009 / 1:25 pm

    That is one stunning baby.
    And I hope you picked up several of those lovely “fun to collect” items. Because they’re fun. To collect.

  2. August 5, 2009 / 4:51 pm

    really great shots….looks like such a great day!

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