this lovely little girl of ours…
Just the most adorable baby girl who we are thrilled to have in our lives and as part of our family….
- She is a water baby..we must have a gene for it or something, all our kids love the water and Matilda is no different.
- She gets a little bit cross now if you take something away from her that she likes…a start of that individual spirit.
- Just getting into the 6-9 months old clothes and just catching some of those lovely summer sale styles to wear too!
- Is pretty chilled really apart from when she in hungry or tired..boy oh boy then its 0-60 in a few seconds and grab your ear protectors
- Likes cucumber, carrot, grapes, blueberries and has tried some cherrios too. Seems happy to have a go at whatever!
- Sits really good now, the kids are a bit disappointed i think 'cos they thought the 'topple' baby was fun to watch on the bed. 🙂
Still loves the upright way of travelling although we have solved the problem of sleeping when out and about :)
Past the half way point to her first birthday. Man, by the time she is one, ill have a 7,5 and 4 year old too. Im heading for the party season this term 🙂