copy copy cat…

I read this blog typography and i cant for the life of me remember how i came across it now but anyhow i sort of like her style of writing, she seems a bit pioneer woman esque i think. Her kids are called Bean and Sprout, which is kind of cute but im guessing that in america a 'sprout' is not the same as it is here….er…because i cant imagine there are many people who would name their child after a veggie that lots of people gag at over christmas dinner….except me, i love sprouts..with vinegar..yum…

anyway back to the point, because, yes, i do have one…The lady of this blog was doing a 'live' blog thing early this week and i thought what a great idea and that im gonna have a go at it tomorrow..or today, 'cos its just gone midnight..oops..

So being as i have a typepad app on my phone now I can load up from there and see what i get, wont be great photos…but…i think i can cope with it  ;)

So my live feed from this moment is that I am in bed, lappy, soft snoring from baby Matilda, darkness around me..thank goodness for backlit keypads huh? see you in a few small hours…

and yeah it might be a very unexciting day, so maybe lots of pictures of rain….don't say i didnt warn ya!!


oh yeah and happy 1st August…at least if it isnt summer here it is somewhere..catch some rays for me huh?

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