Have you ever noticed…

that i pretty much always do my blog at some mad hour at night? Well not today, although there is a strong and very likely chance that I will get side-tracked, called on or otherwise in the next few minutes…

But im trying because I always leave it too the last minute. The last thing that 'needs' my time. Neglected and waiting at the back of the queue. – the old blogola….

Trying to change that right here – So today I went to this very funky little store, which i stumbled across whilst at the local outlet village. It is Australian, i think or maybe Kiwi..not sure…but anyway i stumbled across it and fell in love with some of their ranges…

Today i went there with all four kids by myself on the purpose of getting some trousers for Poppy. She seems to have none and also is refusing to wear anything that we try to put on her. So instead of letting my child charge around naked…which she will do…I thought i would give it a try…

The other totally BRILLIANT thing about the shop is that hidden in the corner is a small TV screen which, today, they were playing High school Musical 3…..oh Lord I have landed in heaven…


so not quite…

But my three bigs will sit and watch and not move for about 15 minutes whilst i browse the shelves without having to worry about them destroying stock, running from the store, or being pinched by some mad man…etc….

I got chatting to the store manager, who was a lovely Irish lady who asked me that question 'are you done at four then?'….(hmmm..yeah wont go into the inappropriateness of complete strangers wanting to know your family planning!)…and then proceeded to tell me her sister in law is just about to have her 7th! Yikes! Holy Uterus! that cant be fun!

Im going off the point….after about 5 minutes of being in the store Matilda (who was alseep) woke up and decided very quickly that she was, in fact, hungry. You may remember that I said, whilst generally a bit quiet, when hungry or tired, she goes 0-60 quicker than a lamborgini…

So me frantically wondering how i was going to feed a screaming baby..behind a row of clothes, sqwatting on the floor all without abandoning my children to the aforementioned mad man….

and then the manager mentioned that i could sit just outside the door to the shop (on a bench) and the kids could stay and watch the TV and that would be cool. I also had a bit of unpaid for merchandise on my buggy which she said was cool….

and i breathed a sigh of relief..someone had seen my plight and offered a solution and not just staring at me and saying something really helpful like   'awww is she tired?' 

Matilda got fed, the kids got the dose of information on how american teenagers live out their days at school (dancing and singing everywhere ob-viously!) and i sat…

which is always good 🙂

So pumpkin patch now have my patronage…which it earned not because of its great clothes, but because their staff saw me as an individual person and not a credit card…God bless ya..

and on that note..it is a ridiculously early 6pm and i should get and feed the masses…

peace x

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