ive said before..

that our littlest sleeps in a nature nest havent i? It works really well for her. I wish we had got it for Isaac but they may not have been around then…anyhoo….this bed is on a spring kinda like one of those bouncy door things and you can bounce baby to get it off to sleep. We havent really needed to do that until recently..she seemed to start need the bounce…and so usually i put her in bed and then sit and bounce her a while so that she can nod off…..usually a done deal…little bouncing, a little surfing the net for me on the 'lappy' and we are sorted…

this evening…doing that and i turn to check on her and see this….


'um….so…lady…you think that bouncing is working?'

Okay, so she probably wouldnt be calling me 'lady' by now..you know….figuratively speaking, if she could talk…

and then…'hey you wanna play with this binky mama?'

or maybe some hide and seek?

hmmmm…..we need another plan…apparently…


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