Talk to the animals….





okay so talk to the sheep and the baby deer……and really they were just snuffling for food as is the way on most petting farms…they know the drill these fellas…..

I think Maisie was giving the sheep in the first picture a bit of a talking to about sharing because i think they were fighting for the food…and we all know that sheep can be somewhat 'forceful' when they want something…dont believe me? Ask my buddy Mel……

Anyway cant believe im just catching up on holiday pictures now…mind you that is only about a month behind and in my book that is almost up to date..ha..

My girls have always loved animals. Id imagine that comes from me…hard to believe it but i was once an 'animal lover'….now im more of an 'animal friend'….make that more of an acquaintance…….

I think im starting to soften again i dont want to be pioneer woman (although wouldn't mind the ranch house and all the kitchen ware she gives away!!), but seeing animals through the eyes of children reminds me what a great part of growing up they can be….

IMG_6647I will admit tho, did fall in love a little bit with these lovely little aberdeen angus boys. They were three weeks old and had the most gorgeous eyes and deep chocolatey coats. Ben thought they should be called 'ham' and 'burger' *shame on him**


there was also a lovely little fairground ride which the kids went on a couple of times. Look how Isaac is holding onto Poppy's chair on the one below…awww…



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