resuming normal service…


or at least trying to. Little miss Matilda who in the past couple of weeks is now walking and talking a little but singing a lot. She is teething her front teeth so not always the happiest of campers…speaking of camping….you think a week camping with friends in August is a good idea? We are thinking of trying it out so looks like we might be needing a tent!

Anyway…once again thanks for all the words of encouragement, not to be too sappy, but i am really cherishing them. 



1 Comment

  1. jo jacko
    May 1, 2010 / 4:21 pm

    we have a 2 bedroom 4 man tent and a 1 bedroom 2 man tent. if you open up the ‘lounge’ area of the 4 man and added the 2 man it would make a 3 bedroom 6 man tent, yours if you need them x

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