
I dont know what to say…I am overwhelmed by the love and support i have had since my last post..

Thank you….

everyone who took the time to just comment on here or on facebook, email me, drop round with flowers or chocolate and generally be pretty incredible. 

Moreover we are both fairly touched and humbled by the faith in us as parents. Being a parent is the most incredible, awesome, scary, life changing and future changing job there is and sometimes I feel like i'm doing a lousy job and other times i feel like i'm scraping by so I don't really have the words to express how invaluable that sort of encouragement is, especially right at this time… 

so thank you again…

and how awesome is the good old world wide web? Comments, thoughts and encouragement from New Zealand and Australia to America, Egypt and South Africa. 

you people are good people…..


1 Comment

  1. jo jacko
    April 28, 2010 / 9:38 pm

    i think that there’s plenty of room at the top of your page for 2 more pictures next to maisie x

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