when tuesday became sunday in a couple of blinks and my camera and i have not seen much time together..which is always a cause for sadness for me. Its been an odd week really…we had the general election and i wanted to vote, although not sure who for….its frustrating when you work in the public sector (like Ben and i do) as that is the point where i think most of the politicians anticipate clawing back this huge debt the country is in…but they don't work there do they? The don't see how stretched it already is on a day to day basis. Bringing in large scale cuts may put money back into the country coffers but you won't think much of it if its your baby/child/relative who doesn't get the care they should have…or if your child is in a class of 30+ children with one teacher desperately trying to be everything they can to every level ability. Seriously? would that happen in the private sector?…..
It has been one of those weeks…
Its been an unsettled week…
but there was some sun….and it always lifts my spirits…