Ten on tuesday….

1. Its good to see that we are not wasting the food we have for the rabbit who absconded about a week ago..(we think with the help and assistance of a sly, bushy tailed, fellow!)…now a little family of mice have moved in to help out with all the abandoned rabbit food etc……nice 🙂

2. I had a conversation with Maisie on the way home this afternoon that went like this:

M: 'I am really, really going to marry Ben mummy…really i am'

me: 'oh okay then'

M: "but ben said there was going to be no kissing'

me: 'right okay then'

M: ' ben doesnt like kissing..he says 'ewww..no kissing, no kissing..'

me: hmmm…

M: ' i think when he grows up though, he will probably change his mind'

3. The daisy is such a pretty flower..i took this with my Macro lens which doesn't actually fit my 'most use' camera anymore….so i use a different camera body…i love macro lenses…
Daisy (1 of 1) 

4. I have totally no idea who to vote for in this weeks election..none of them seem worth much really and is it really possible to trust a politician anyway?

5. Having a bank holiday sets every other day out of sorts..im thinking its monday but really its tuesday, thinking i have two more nights sleep before i stay up all night and actually its only one.

6. Today the girls, Maisie and Matilda were on the trampoline when i caught matilda hitting maisie in the face. 'No hitting Matilda!' said i quite firmly. She looked at me quite blankly and a few seconds later Maisie said 'she just smiled mummy.' :-/

7. More blooms from our garden, i think this is from the bush type thing that lends itself to our garden from next door but still nevertheless…
Budgarden (1 of 1) 

8. I have been wondering around this site quite a lot recently…

9. Maisie has started 'modern' at her ballet lessons. She told me in her first lesson she had to be a 't" and in her second one she had to be a 'x'….thats as in the letter not a kiss..i have yet to work out exactly what it is they do but she has to have a new pair of Jazz shoes and possibly a cat suit….. Which may go some way to explaining it i guess…

10. I posted on facebook just before the weekend that i needed to get some practice in before i launch my photography site and would anyone be willing to be volunteers. Got lots of responses…which looks good from an 'interest' point of view, even if slightly motivated by the 'free' aspect its still good 🙂

Right off to bed 'cos its tuesday, not monday and i need some quality sleep…


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