so im setting up a bloglines reader account, had one ages ago to keep me updated with rss feeds and something happened to it..and i can't for the life of me remember what it was but while i was entering some of my favourite blog feeds i came across this little meme being run by Actuallymummy and the idea is to post up something funny on a sunday…
This week actuallymummy blog had posted a link to a Michael Mcintyre clip which had me i thought post this brilliant mum's take on the things you say in a day. I think i may have posted it a while back..but just love listening to it and funnily enough every time i do i seem to hear more and more of myself in it…
have a listen its only short….and go and check out some more by clicking the link below.
jeees it almost makes you feel sorry for the kids!!! Thanks for joining in :))