the gallery this week is about photography resolutions….as in new year resolutions. I stopped doing new year resolutions because i couldn't stand the pressure but i think im going to roll with a few photography based ones…i could come up with a few…
I want to:
Understand LIGHT – i mean more than i do, natural light, artificial light, Flash wizardry that so may of the top pro's use. LIGHT – its what it is all about right? and very excited to be hopefully going on a training day just about this…
More MANUAL baby – I shoot in manual all the time pretty much. I can't think of a time when i don't anymore but there is more to know, i know it. I know so little of what my camera can do.
Get some tuition on how to create these sort of images:
obviously NONE of these images are mine. Im just sharing them to show the sort of thing i would like to learn. i have had a go with the newborns i have photographed but it would be very good to watch a pro work.
This sort of baby posing is really popular in North America and until recently i was at a bit of a loss to find a UK based speciality baby posing photograher but then a friend tweeted they were going for a training day with this photographer and when i went to her website i got myself very excited about the prospect of spending a day with her, which hopefully i will get to do in the summer. eeeeep…
and on a less professional and more personal note…document my story…our story… more.
Just this last week a professional photographer i have had the pleasure of spending a day with just before baby james 5 was born posted this remarkable photograph of the moment when his daughter was born…
image taken by Brett Harkness
i love this image so much. I love how it is such a faithful representation of that moment when life begins. Natural, messy, raw. I find it really moving and i have seen this moment in real life many many times over ( and no im not talking about my own babies..was otherwise occupied for those moments!)
But funnily enough what i drew from this photograph personally was something that Brett said in a FB conversation that started after he posted it. Some people commented that they felt it was too gory and Brett responded by saying that as a photographer and father he could see past it but also as a documenter of time he could as well. It was those words 'documenter of time' that i really latched on to.
Of course this image shows a fairly HOOGE moment in time for anyone and so it has incredible impact but it made me think about documenting the moments, significant and insignificant in my timeline, my story. With a fancy camera or an iphone. Not important. I want to watermark those moments and leave a timeline in the sand.
Here's hoping i can do that this year…