Dear Uni students,
why is it when you get off a bus you look at the floor!? i don't get it. You are moving from a vehicle that is on the road to a pavement where pedestrians are walking at different speeds and in varied directions. Surely looking up might prevent the falling over small children, buggies, old people that seems to happen a lot for you guys? #justsaying
Dear littlest child of mine,
Why is it you are training to join a circus? you latest trick? launching yourself from a chair onto the dining table. Is your career plans to be the youngest member of cirque du soleil?
slowly going grey mama
Dear brain,
id appreciate if if you could keep up.
ta, the guv
Dear Pixar animation studios,
thanks for making movies that are still good to watch even when you are starting to memorize the script.
going slightly square eyed, Sx
Dear Weather,
Im liking the warmer stuff, really i am. Can't help but feel a little bit cheated by winter tho? Its done already? Really?
was that it? Sx
Dear Levi jeans,
Not impressed that my decision to buy expensive jeans this time to try and get longer out of my jeans before the knees split has totally back fired. Less than 6 months old and starting to fray.. Dude, im not sliding up and down a stage like a some crazed rocker. Im thinking my usage is fairly average. Not good enough.
disappointed, Sx
Dear small people who share my dwelling,
love ya loads, Mama
Dear OH,
have a wonderful time away this weekend.
no really, i mean it.
you can link up with other letters here.
oooo no! you know I just got my levis!!! nooooo!!!
and hello, my children seem to have trouble sleeping in anyones bed but MINE… LOL
m x
ha! i know i am gutted. Im actually going to dig out the receipt and take them back. I got 4 pairs of jeans today from debenhams for the price of one pair of Levis too. going back to the cheap seats.