i discovered this…i like the idea of it. A little open letter exercise. You can click the box below to see some more….
Dear man in park.
yes i saw you, saw you watch your dog poo on the path and walk off and leave it there. Yes it was me giving you total dagger stares and not trying to hold back the fishwife screeeech i wanted to send in your direction. I have little kids its not good to swear in front of them. People like you make me sick. literally.
there are never any excuses, sarah
Dear under floor heating system,
WHAT IN THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? is wizzing the temperature up to 22 degrees at 2am in the morning in preparation for unexpected middle of the night travellers?
crazy thermostat love, sarah
Dear flu/stomach bug.
sod off.
that is all, sarah
Dear large supermarket,
Can you just give me £5 off at the till rather than give me a jaunty little, soon to be lost, voucher for my next shop. It just irritates me A LOT, when i forget which is always
prolly not your fault tho, Sarah
Dear wonderful son of mine,
my darling boy you have sent me off another great song because you play it continuously in your room. Love that you love music son..but variety is good huh?
when you have moved on from this song, i will still be unable to listen to it.
Dear hair,
Getting yourself stuck to a calpol spoon just after washing and drying is so NOT funny. Smelling of sweet sickly kid medicine all day was not super fun. thanks.
whats that in my hair now, sarah
Dear sweet potty trainer of mine,
Coming in with a big grin on your face and in a self- congratulatory way saying 'i did a big poo in my pull up' is somewhat missing the point. C'mon now.
Dear swimming instructor,
when you tell my son that he needs to wear his clothes into the pool for his personal survival award. maybe would have been good to say put your trunks on under your tracksuit. Then he wouldn't have worn his underwear into the pool and had to go home commando
not so comfy im told, sarah
brilliant 🙂
must do this soon 🙂
may you all get well soon,
m x