family frolics #6

Joining in this morning with @multiplemummy and her meme family frolics. This week its half term in our house which means that OH is off as well and i had some annual leave from work so we headed down to my mum and dads. 

Mum mentioned that at a local athletics stadium a local Gold medal winning Olympic athlete was visiting the town with his team that he is now coaching for the coming 2012 games. Which is incidentally the American team (which seems a bit strange!) here he is winning with team GB at beijing 2008


Anyway he is from the town my parents live in and so the local athletics stadium put on an afternoon of bike riding, meeting the athletes and getting your bike serviced if you want. 

Thats one of the things that i love about the olympics that events like this get staged to get kids (and adults) interested in sport, exercise and getting involved. I love my kids to meet these athletes who are so driven and have such determination to achieve a goal and take part. 

As it transpired our youngest was asleep after a particularly bad night and i didn't get to go. The rest of the family did and i was secretly a bit miffed to have missed it. 

But the kids really enjoyed it and were buzzing about the bikes they could have a go on, the fact that the TV crews were there and that Aunty Joy was fearless about going to talk to them and ask them all for pictures. 

I was really pleased when my dad sent me the pics as i wasn't there. They had a great time. 

So big thanks to Jamie Staff and the USA cycling team for providing a real highlight for my kids this half term. Cycling with an Olympic Champion is not a bad thing to tell your friends about in school. Of course as a family we all wish them well for London 2012 in a few months. Im sure they will be very happy with the silver!! :))






















click on the link below to see some other family frolics from this week. 



  1. February 17, 2012 / 1:58 pm

    Wow, what an exciting opportunity for your kids, and I too would have been gutted not have have gone. It does look like they had lots of fun and I am pleased you family took a camera with them!
    Thanks for Linking to Family Frolics. x

  2. February 18, 2012 / 9:19 pm

    thanks, it was fun to join in. I was a bit gutted but hoping might get another opportunity for this sort of thing this year 🙂

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