You ever know someone well that you have never even met? I did…until this last week.
The cool thing about blogging and being out in the internet in general is that you can meet some great folk who you would have no chance of coming across in real life.(yes there are some crazy ass weirdos as well!) Well i 'met' mel online years and years ago and we have always said that we would get together at some stage.
This half term we managed it. Rendezvous: London for a afternoon of walking, photographs, food and chat. Yes lots of that last one 🙂
The day was always going to be a winner starting with me on a train BY MYSELF! You know things are desperate when you almost ask the person next to you to sit still! =)
It was a bit like a blind date sort of feeling i had arriving in London. I mean i hadn't actually ever met Mel before even though i 'knew' her and her family. So bizarrely when she walked over to me with her family i was all 'HIYA!" to her kids and they looked a bit bemused. As i suppose they should, they had never met me before and yet i could probably tell them what they had been doing yesterday!
So we walked and talked and talked. Stumbled across a camera shop and did some window shopping then stopped for tea and scones in Selridges (ooooh)
I don't know London really well. There were a few times when i thought 'ah ive been here before.' But whilst i am a southerner I have lived 'oop north' for a long time.
Mel sent me a message later the next day saying that she had forgot that I wouldnt know London as well and she should have showed me a few more sights. But you know, I probably wouldn't have paid that much attention to the sights. My heart was lifted by having some time when im not doing 'mummy' When stopping for a snack means that you dont need to buy a fruitshoot and smartie cookie as well. Having that luxury of time. Standing in St.Pancras station, people thronging around me going about their busy lives and i just stood still. Because I could. ah the indulgence of it!
But most of all I loved hearing about and sharing the little stories that are the make up of life. The good and the bad, the happy and sad.
You can keep your towers and your palaces, i'll take that every. single. time.
Meeting other bloggers is so much fun – and yes it means I can say ‘look – those people that I talk to on the pooter – they really do exist!’
Glad to hear you had a good time!