this week in the gallery the subject is those Embarrassing Outfits.
I was scanning through some of the images in iphoto and i came across this and i think i may have actually inhaled my tea.
For goodness sake, i know its skiing and everything and there is a bit of fashion licence. but. dude. I look like a teletubby. hey and good job those sunglasses matched my jacket, otherwise, well that outfit just wouldn't have worked. *gag*
Get the serious teenage pout expression too..'cos i'm like so Kool maaaan.
*rolls eyes*
Go check out some others this week by clicking on the link below. There is bound to be some howlers.
The specs make it. At least you aren’t the fella with mauve and lime flaps – explain those away, mister! (I know you’re going to tell me it’s your husband, right?)
haha…i think that was actually the guy whose chalet we were staying in! but yes i agree. skiing fashion is shocking! :))
That is great! Very coordinated!
Ha ha! That is just brilliant. You’re right,m those shades just make that outfit!
They are not so bad, you need to be kept warm and padded. But those specs 😉 x
I love the specs 🙂
OMG…That photo is so funny but I actually remember when ski jackets like that were majorily cool! Those glasses are fabulous, lol!
That’s so funny, which one are you? Never mind they are all equally embarrassing! (Sorry!!) I have so many embarrassing ski photos, why was I always so fluorescent?!
I’m with Helen, slightly more concerned about the guy stood next to you, you are tame by comparison!