Last week i wrote a guest post for the lovely bodfortea blog while she was away in the land of smiles at Disney World, Florida.
This week it half term and i jumped at the chance when bodfortea offered to do a post for my blog. When she sent it through it really made me smile. With every one of my kids i have lamented that developmental stage when the lunchtime nap bade farewell and there was no longer the much looked forward moment in the day when there was a little bit of peace.
So handing over to bodfortea to carry on the story
You'd be forgiven for not realising it from my pasty British refuses-to-tan skin, but we've just returned from an eight day holiday at Disneyworld in Florida. Short but sweet, it was as magical as we hoped (and as expensive as we expected) but while we were there I managed to lose something. Something very important. And I'm writing this guest post very kindly donated by Sarah in the hope that someone out there will find it and send it back to me.
You see before we boarded the plane to the land of perpetual smiles, our little two and a half year old, DD, was generously giving me a solid sixty minutes of precious Mummy time almost every day. This was my golden time, my not-telling-endless-stories time, my time. I guarded this time like a tigress protecting her young. Seriously, I scratched. (Reports that I bit were grossly exaggerated though.)
Then we left these chilly shores for the delights of a Floridian winter and I promised myself I'd relax the rules a bit, go with the flow. We were on holiday after all, right? It won't matter if she doesn't nap EVERY day. Or for a shorter time, perhaps? Everything will be just fine. I even smiled to hide the fear.
And so, as is often the case with toddlers in my experience, you give an inch and they take fifteen miles there or there abouts. The nap was lost. I'm think we must have dropped it at Magic Kingdom somewhere between lunch with Winnie the Pooh and the teacup ride. There was certainly some screaming involved. DD wasn't too happy either.
Now I'm facing the prospect of a nap-free day. Twelve long hours stretching out before me. Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home Mum. It's the life I chose when DD came along to join our mad ride in the world and I wouldn't change that for anything. But I need just a little time in the day that's all about me. Ideally halfway between washing up discarded cereal bowls and scraping uneaten plates of dinner into the bin.
So here, dear readers, is my plea. If you find our lost nap, please be kind enough to pop it in the post will you? No stamp required, paying for the postage is the least I can do. Because frankly, my sanity is worth a whole lot more to me than that.
Bod for tea is the random musings of a self-confessed control freak Mummy just getting on with life and other important jobs on her ‘to do’ list. Alongside writing endless lists you’ll find her muttering about life with a toddler, trying to get fit, cooking a bit, eating too much, reviewing stuff and generally spouting forth at She also tweets from time to time as @bodfortea and you can wave at her at facebook/bod4tea.
Your lost nap-time is probably in Neverland with my daughter’s. She lost that the day her big brother was admitted to hospital with serious asthma problems. “Don’t worry”, I told every person I’d roped into caring for her, “she has a reliable nap time every day without fail”. Spoke too soon. And when we got out of (24 hour mummy-nurse full noisy ward baaad bed nooo sleep) hospital, I was desperate for that nap time to happen again. It never did. Don’t they choose their moments??? Enjoyed your guest-post. Thanks!