Dear sunshine,
that is all, Sx
Dear smallest girl,
we may have to resort to lead shoes to stop you climbing everything soon. Things are getting desperate.
not wanting a heart attack, mama
Dear Mary Poppins,
Let it slip lady..how do you get the clothes to do that wooshing thing BACK into the drawers and cupboards. If its the umbrella, could you maybe lend it a bit…maybe….im thinking my need is greater.
pleadingly, Sx
Dear body,
Watch out, you and i are going to have to hit the streets, not in the lady of the night way y’understand but in the run around the block kind of way.
really i mean it, Sx
Dear Vegemite,
You are a somewhat milder version of Marmite. Marmite is still the daddy of the salty, yeast extract spreads,
speaking the truth ‘innit. Sx
Dear hopes and dreams,
Hang in there.