When you spend time following pro photographers and checking out their stuff, like me, you would think I would get inspired right? Well not all the time, sometimes..but a LOT of the time i get totally intimidated by their knowledge, equipment and general ‘out of reachedness’ feeling that it leaves me with. These guys have spent years and years and years learning their craft and its right in a way that their stuff should be WAY out there.
But this past weekend i watched a series of seminars that really did leave me inspired. Inspired to do something for me. (and eventually others but thats a bit more in the planning stages)
But back to me. Just me. I have taken part in loads of photography meme’s and i really do love them and have no plan to stop taking part but when i had this idea i thought…’ooh i could do a meme’ and then immediately i thought…’ah but who would join in?, would anyone join in? would i be the billy no mates of the meme world?’
and then this amazing, clear, incredibly simple idea came to me.
“who cares?”
and I realised that what i want to get out of doing this project is something for me..actually, not to get more readers, more followers or better stats. So that is what i am going to and i will share it here, or on my soon to be new blog once i can stop banging wordpress on the wall *itwillworkitwillwork!*
I am NOT knocking the photography link ups AT ALL. Since i have done them, I have come across some blogs that i just love and im proud to call some new folks my online friends. Which is why i will continue with it. But it can draw you away from why you actually write what you do…..*must join in, more readers, more followers, better stats*…etc…
So im exicted. This is my ‘project’ and anyone who wants to copy the idea and do it to..thats cool. Jump on this ‘ole bandwagon. There is no pressure (for me or you) and there just maybe a cold beer and some cheese and onion crisps.
and in a ‘West Wing’ stylie:
to be continued…………