‘Great Garden Moment”

Its sad to say that over our half term there were not so many great garden moments! Firstly due to the awful weather we were having and also because our youngest were struggling over the chicken pox. But when i saw an invitation to enter a great garden moments competition to win a set of fabulous garden furniture by sharing a some fun images of your garden i immediately thought of a few weeks ago when we had some incredibly lovely, sunny and warm weather.

For my kids, hot weather = water, every. single. time. As soon as the sun comes out for any length of time we get requests for the paddling pool and water play. But their absolute favourite is the sprinkler. What kid didn’t adore the sprinkler as a kid. I can remember how exciting it was!  You can run straight through it and get soaked or play the cunning game and dash past as its arc of water sways from one side to another. My kids do a bit of both and the squealing can be heard up and down the street! In fact a neighbour of mine responded to a quick tweet about the sprinkler making its first appearance of the season “ah so that was what all the noise was then?”

opps! 😉

Before this house we lived in a victorian terrace with a small yard. I loved that we had even a bit of outside space but three kids later it was getting a bit cramped and so moving to our currant house with a medium sized town garden, kid friendly and ready for some ‘burn of the energy’ fun was exactly what we needed. When the sun shines there is no other place you will find us when we are home. Patio doors wide open and letting the outside in and sometimes that means soggy kids in grassy towels, shivering in the kitchen. But it really brings it alive. Our garden won’t win any ‘britain in bloom’ competitions but its well used and well loved by the growing feet of my kids and that is what makes our garden ‘great’


This is a competition! why don’t you go and enter too. Just click on the great garden moment link.



  1. June 14, 2012 / 11:14 am

    These are great – love the moments you’ve captured. Lets hope for more sunny sprinkler moments SOON !

    • Sarah
      June 14, 2012 / 8:35 pm

      thanks hannah. Have you entered? 🙂

      • June 15, 2012 / 7:49 pm

        No. Not as yet, not sure my photos are quite up to scratch just yet ! Love the one of little miss P pulling a post- she’s hilarious.

  2. June 17, 2012 / 10:13 am

    what lovely photos my three love water too 🙂

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