I was tagged by the lovely muma to two lovely sets of twins!! Check out her blog at troubledoubled.
Her tag was about had quite an Olympic theme and being as we are all patriotic at the moment thanks to the soggy jubilee Im going to give it a quick go. I sort of got a little patriotic over the weekend in between work and fielding the grumpiest chicken pox sufferer..but its sort of misguided for me. Im not a royalist, im not anti them, you wont see me with a sign or throwing eggs..i just dont really care. They are super rich, super posh and just get born into their luxurious lifestyle and i guess i can’t relate..
Anyway thats another subject but i am getting patriotic because of the games. I love the Olympics (yes even though it is now very tainted by the ticket farce, expensive everything..etc etc)
so here we go…
1) If every day tasks were Olympic events what would you get a gold medal in?
bloody picking up things….my kids are like repellant magnets and things seem to throw themselves across the floor to get away from them.
2) As a child (or now even) did you excel at a particular sport and if so which one?
Dont think i ever really excelled, I was VERY into riding and competed quite a bit in that but never really got that far.
3) Michael Phelps (swimmer) or Michael Johnson (runner) – which sport appeals to you more?
Im thinking swimming although those suits freak me out a bit and there is no way i could cope with size of their feet, and the smell of chlorine, and the wrinkly skin…actually maybe athletes!
4) How fast can you get out of bed and ready to go out the door if miss the alarm and sleep in?
I once over slept when i was pregnant with my first child when i was supposed to be on an early shift at work (thats 7.15am). Once the phone rang to chase me up, i nearly broke my neck getting down the stairs and then got into work in about 10 minutes..i reckon thats pretty good going for a fat lady..i also managed to not wake my OH up as well.
5)What fantasy sport would you like to see made into an Olympic event?
There are some interesting fantasy sports on the Mario London Olympics game my son has. One involves a trampoline which appears to be about 100 feet below a platform so on the way down you can manage about 10 backflips and tumbles. I reckon that would be a good’un
6) Claim to fame time – Have you ever met an Olympian and who was it?
I have met quite a few of the UK olympic eventing team, especially William-Fox-Pitt who was a little up and coming when i was around the gee gee’s.
7) What event in past Olympics can you remember most vividly?
Daley Thompson in the decathalon i think, probably when i started taking an interest in the games and also the nation was totally in love with him. Didn’t he turn out to be a bit of a B**** tho?
8) Tuning in at home, not for me or tickets clamped ready in sweaty palms?
My incredibly determined mother has managed to secure some tickets to the Olympics and the paraolympics. We are lucky enough to be going to one of those. The paraolympics is in the velodrome and the kids are madly excited about it.
9) Who do you think most deserves a gold medal (any walk of life not just Olympians)
Working mamas…because its bloody tough.
Tagging my NW blogger friends:
ladies there is absolutely no pressure to complete this!!