and the baby is a…..

I read an article recently about gender reveal parties…and im being very naughty and not linking the article because i can’t remember where i saw it..tsk tsk. But the jist of it was about the trend in America that is of course swimming across the atlantic to us, of having your ultra sound of your unborn baby, asking your sonographer to jot it down on a bit of paper and then giving to to a bakery so they can bake you a cake with either a pink or blue middle. You then gather your friends together for a party, the highlight of which is when you cut the cake and reveal to all what ‘type’ you are getting.

I was intrigued and so googled it and came up with millions of clips on youtube of these parties. I found them quite addictive actually. The guests all guessing, the fact that nearly all men will when asked seem to ALWAYS guess ‘boy’ whereas women seem to guess equal for girls and boys, the friends and neighbours that are clearly cashing in on the party and getting stoked up on booze and a really awkward moment when the gender was revealed and there was kind of an uneasy silence from the attendees to the party….what was going on there then?

One video i watched it was pretty clear that the mother of the baby was more than a little disappointed at the sex of her baby, which sometimes that can happen, i get that. But  maybe not something you want to share with your neighbours, friends and a few zillion people on youtube. People are blogging it, tweeting it and have live link up on skype….is it maybe a little too much sharing? I don’t know. But then some of them i have watched have been really sweet and the excitement of the family is just fabulous..kind of like having your family and friends at the birth with you..only in a much more non humiliating, less gory, not showing parts of you, you should never show to your family for the love of God…way.

What do you think? did you find out? do you like this trend? I think its following steadily in the trend of cupcakes. I guess it is inevitable.

i tried to embed a whole bunch of links to videos on youtube on this page but couldn’t get it to work so in the end had to give up. But i have linked in one. This one, i think maybe mama wanted to see the other colour if you know what i mean. See what you think.

I’m linking this post up today with my fabulous friend Sarah Miles who has bravely started a linky thing (technical term!) over on her blog. You can skip over there and see some others. Just press the button 🙂

Wednesday Witter









  1. July 25, 2012 / 12:16 pm

    It’s the idea of eating blue cake that worries me the most!

    • Sarah
      July 25, 2012 / 9:04 pm

      yeah im with you. Some of them just have blue buttercream in the middle..and ive seen one where they just released a load of balloons from a sealed box.

  2. July 25, 2012 / 12:37 pm

    Wow! I think I’d love to do this…I might have a search for revealing videos on YouTube!
    Notmyyearoff recently posted…Street PhotographyMy Profile

    • Sarah
      July 25, 2012 / 9:03 pm

      have will suck hours away from you though, the other good ones are them actually telling grandparents and such that they are expecting..lots of screaming!

  3. July 25, 2012 / 1:15 pm

    Crikey, I got enough flak from my family when I told them what we were having, let alone announce it via a cake! I found out with all three of my kids because I like to be prepared, like to think of the little person inside me as a little he/she and because I am very impatient! But it seems a contentious issue! there was a great deal of tutting from some people – not sure why. Didn’t think it was a mortal sin….or even a moral issue – just a matter of personal choice!

    Thanks AGAIN for linking up to Wednesday Witter! I owe you much cake/wine
    Sarah Miles recently posted…Wednesday Witter #3My Profile

    • Sarah
      July 25, 2012 / 9:02 pm

      totally..i used to get “pleeease don’t find out’ which confused me a bit.. and also ‘oh will you ruin the surprise?’ which i never really understood either. Ive done it both ways and i prefer knowing personally 🙂

  4. July 25, 2012 / 1:23 pm

    I can see the appeal of sharing the excitement of discovery with friends and family but as you say, isn’t it too much sharing? And if it leaves out the gory bits it also leaves out, well, the baby! Doesn’t it? I think it’s so difficult for new parents to really grasp the concept of the baby, the real baby not just the idea. The baby they will probably fall in love with when they see him or her for the first time whatever their expectations of gender.
    Mother Goutte recently posted…Wednesday Witter #3 : 85p of tomatoesMy Profile

    • Sarah
      July 25, 2012 / 9:01 pm

      yes i agree with you. 🙂

  5. July 26, 2012 / 9:07 pm

    I cannot pretend, I hate things like this ! I have no objection to finding out the gender of the baby, and tell who you like, but a party? really?!!!! Yes I am displaying my englishness on this one. Please no more things like this to float across the pond……I even struggle with baby showers….yes i’ve said it – it’s true !!
    mamadeano recently posted…Frustrations and Ten on TuesdayMy Profile

  6. July 27, 2012 / 10:31 pm

    What is the point? I just don’t get it! And the blue or pink filling would ruin the look of a good cake too.
    Emma recently posted…Spike-tacular!My Profile

    • Sarah
      July 27, 2012 / 10:50 pm

      Ha!! that is such an important point too!

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