finding the gold

this week has been the last week of term and wheeeeessshhhh has it been busy. Looking for those little bits of gold that hide in the daily grind of  my days has been a little tricky this week when i am running so high on the stress-o-meter. I really had to make an effort this week to see them. Sometimes you just have to try extra hard. Like today, it is the first day of the school holiday abd already by 9am we had been cleaning up a full cup of tea that had been knocked from the top of the stairs to the bottom, rescue one of our older girls who got themselves locked in their bedroom and then discover that the baby had got to the party bags and tipped all the bubble mix over the floow, sofa and herself! Ahhh! Save me someone!

So it was a little tough today but i have seen glimpses. 🙂 .

where there tiny traces of  gold in your week?




    • Sarah
      July 21, 2012 / 8:20 pm

      ah thanks so much emily..yes its been one of those weeks! thanks so much for stopping by, i really appreciate it x

    • Sarah
      July 22, 2012 / 1:35 pm

      thanks so much, some days i really need to try hard tho!

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