So this week, rather appropriately I have thrown in a shot from our visit to the incredible Olympic park and the session we saw which was the 3m springboard men’s semi-final. This diver is the Brit Chris Mears and he went on to qualify for the final. I don’t know what is more captionable here…the diver on the board or what the others in the shot are up to? #whattheheckisthatguydoingintohistowel
see what you think. Its back to work for me tonight…so sleepy response in the morning.
As always you can surf on to Mammasaurus who hosts the satcap by clicking the wee box.
There was no chance of hiding socks in such tiny Speedos
Emma recently posted…Saturday Caption #SatCap
I hope they like my funky dive and home and aren’t all board stiff 😉
Mammasaurus recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day!
Peek a boo!
Kara recently posted…Tots100 Summer Party
Treading the boards
Whats all the fuss I’m just going for a quiet swim
So I have to jump off the end right??
Sinead recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day
What if I just pretend to surf? That’s a mark right?
By the 21st century, modern technology had made walking the plank a far more public humiliation.
Middle-Aged Matron recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day…
If I blow my nose really loudly on my towel, with that put him off??
Jenny @justphotosbyme recently posted…Friday Photos – Thistles
Call this a plank? Did I tell you about the time I met Pirate Black Beard?
fivegoblogging recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day
Adding new meaning to “walk the plank”
Vanessa (StreakWise) recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day!