How private is private?

As the news of the topless duchess die down…well sort of…i have found myself a lit confused by it all. I have listened to the uproar and seen a couple of the headlines on the tabloids which almost sound like France are a few small steps from open war!…and i cannot understand what all the fuss is about.

Mind you my reaction to her brother -in-law appearing in the buff all over the internet was pretty much the same. I’m just not bothered by them and the the thing with Harry just make me think ‘er…error!’

My take on it, and this probably isn’t that popular especially if you are an outright royalist. But….

  • Has no-one told the duke and duchess that there are paps out there with exceptionally long telephoto lenses? hmm?
  • Did they not think that going onto their balcony in broad daylight and getting your ta-ta’s out is probably a bad idea..
  • Any paparazzi worth their salt is going to snap that shot if offered to them on a plate like that? no?
  • Surely its just a bit naive to be SUCH a high profile celeb/royal and think that there wouldn’t be someone following you to try and get an exclusive.

I am no royalist. I don’t particularly dislike the royal family, i have a new found respect for the Queen what with her sky diving at the Olympics ‘n all 😉


Yes I would agree that with social media/celebrity obsession being the powerful thing it is they perhaps always have to be on their guard now and thats possibly not the most relaxed way to go through life….but they have hugely privileged lives, have access to places, events and people that most of us could only dream of.

I agree that the Royals have a right to privacy..they have a right to enjoy a quiet holiday..but the reality is that they are news worthy, their faces sell papers, get hits on webpages and that brings with it, for them at least, huge influence. Kate married the future King..thats got to be a good gig…riches, powerful friends, fabulous holiday destinations at your fingertips, all the tickets to the olympics you want…(seriously didn’t they do well in the ballot!!) …..but it comes with the down side i suppose of being on the pap’s most wanted…there are good and bad to all things in life. Like a full english brekkie. To get the amazing eggs and bacon you have to tolerate the black pudding *shudder*

So maybe…im suggesting…as if anyone is actually listening to me….put the bikini top on love. 🙂




  1. Sarah
    September 22, 2012 / 6:46 pm

    totally agree…when i heard this i thought to myself..dont they have PR people?!

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