An Autumn Poem #centerparcs

I really love the autumn. The colours are so fabulous, especially when the weather is kind and the sun shines. It is the birthday season in our house as well, so the kids love it too! The center parcs challenge for this month is autumn poems. I asked my daughter if she thought she could come up with a poem and she was keen to give it a try. We chatted about what things she liked about autumn and then went to the center parcs website for some handy tips on how to ‘write a poem’ with the kids. My favourite one was just ‘learn from the best’ I really let my daughter do her own thing. I wanted her to describe autumn in her own words and in a way that meant something to her!

She got to work and pretty soon she had come up with the idea to start each line with a letter from the word Autumn. The things in her poem really reflect her actually. She loves animals, they feature heavily in anything she writes. She has always loved fireworks and she adores her Daddy making hot chocolate in the Kelly kettle. Her poem made me smile not just because it is a lovely reflection of autumn but also that it is also a reflection of her character.

I managed to convince her to read it out too!



ā€˜This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots 100 November challenge. If Iā€™m chosen, I would like to visit Whinfell Forest.



  1. November 20, 2013 / 6:14 pm

    This is so lovely!!!! She’s so gorgeous. ‘Radical Red’… Love it!!! Thank you so much for linking up this week. Much respect. X

  2. Sarah Hill
    November 23, 2013 / 12:18 pm

    What a lovely poem, describing all her own experiences and visions of autumn. My son writes poems like this, using the letters from a word, it’s called an acrostic poem, so he tells me.

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