ten on tuesday….



sliding in late….as usual. 

1. I whined about my daughter's lousy sleeping yesterday and guess what that evening the girl was wailin' and my fab OH stayed up with her and persisted with a bit of controlled crying whilst myself and our son (who shares her room so had to vacate) slept through. Which is quite astonishing given how much noise she was making but maybe that gives  you an idea of how tired we all are. So mwah to the OH. 🙂

2. Book day? Do you love it or hate it? Three kids in outfits, one of which seriously hates dressing up and is already, i think, planning the tummy ache for friday morning!

3. I lost my change bag last week. Gutted. Lost in that all to familiar fried mummy way, that would be getting all your kids in the car and leaving it on the pavement. *duh* and don't give me sympathy I have done it before with different objects and i thought id learnt my lesson. pah!

4. We cycled to swimming lessons this evening at 5.30 because it was light enough to do so! Ah the spring is coming back our way. 

5. I tried very hard to watch a baby photography workshop over the weekend that was being broadcast live over at creativelive. It didn't go that well, the me watching it part. The workshop looked fantastic but it being on American time meant that it clashed with tea, bath and bedtime on a weekend when the OH was away :-/ That and an unfortunately timed 'cant really rush this' phone call meant that i missed some key bits. So anyone want to let me in on the secrets she shared?

6. Some music folks, love this cute video. 


7. I have put in some forward planning to mother's day and actually told the OH what i would like. It seems like it takes us ladies years to realize that they are not going to just 'guess' what we would like!

8. I found a apple core trying hard to blend into my car upholstery. Its not pretty. Im not proud, id like to say it was because i was clearing the car but in fact i think i was searching for a pound coin i thought id seen for those annoying little token things on trolleys!

9. Whats that? You've never seen a scooter riding fairy?


10. Im loving Pinterest at the moment. You can come and follow me here at the moment i just hang out in the travel and photography sections. hmmm..now what does that tell you?

Linkin' up wid de ladies….










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