The ‘S’ word.

That would be 'sleep'

I rob myself of sleep ALL THE TIME. Just a few more minutes there, a few more minutes here. When my kids are in bed, i still have ones young enough that they are all away in their little beds by about 8pm, the time is MINE!!


and sometimes i just can't face the thought of cutting it off short with something like 'sleep'  Of course this is also the fact that once you have gone to sleep, its about five milliseconds till its morning and then you are there back on the old treadmill, groundhog feeling, day again.

So ill put it off as long as i can so inevitably when i get to bed i need to cram me in some decent sleep, there are some nights when i might be looking down the barrel of five hours, six perhaps? Its okay, no really it is, as long as that is what i get. As long as that is SIX hours sleep and not six hours cat napping in between seeing to blearly visits to the bathroom, shouts for lost pacifiers, drinks, cuddlies, bad dreams, sore leg, sore arm, monster under the bed checks and then of course waking with that dead feeling in your legs because a child has crawled unnoticed into your bed and is slowing causing your blood to drain from your limbs. 

Just lately my youngest is playing sleep roulette with us. You know that Forrest Gump line. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get?' You can re write that for my girl using the word 'sleep' instead of Life and 'how much' instead of what. She sometimes gets up to play and chat at about midnight. S'okay baba we are usually still up around then so 'hiya, hello, and then get back to sleep' But not until shouting loud enough to get a couple of others up to. GaH!

She sometimes works it out okay till about 3am then decides napping next to mama whilst softly saying 'bababababa'  works well. Not so much. 

Other times we are good till about 5am and then its a full on wake up 'FEED ME SEYMOUR" type scream which means there is going to be no going back to sleep and the only option is up. ack. and lately at the moment it is ALL THREE of those options *blink*

Sleep is a parenting issue i know and sometimes it can be boring the way folk go on about it. But you know there is a point when you are so sleep deprived that when someone asks you how many kids you have you say the wrong number and don't even realise or care. 

Im sure this sort of post will promote advice. Which i like. Advice is good. Thing is, the enemy of all those theories and ideas on sleep training is acutally….sleep….and the overwhelming desire to do anything to obtain unconciousness. ha! That and a house full of other sleeping children who you would rather not have coming to the party too. So its scary but true that we will probably just weather this stage out and cope with it in a variety of different ways in order to maximise the chance of survival. 

and that is all i have to say about that. 





  1. February 28, 2012 / 7:48 am

    I don’t have any advice, but sleep is so important to function I can see why you are exhausted. I also stay up longer than I should just for the joy of some peace and time to myself!

  2. February 28, 2012 / 11:46 am

    Hoping hoping that sweet little J learns to sleep a bit better soon. and what’s with this 6 hours malarky ???! i’m more of a 9 hours girl myself. sending sleepy thoughts to your merry brood. You always look so good on so little sleep Sarah. You are great.

  3. February 28, 2012 / 10:20 pm

    thx Corrine. Yes i cherish those evenings to myself 😉
    Hannah, i think im probably just used to it 🙂

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