This week is my first week of hosting the Love Pregnancy blogs area at Loveallblogs. It would be so great if you have any stories on your blog or are writing any about your pregnancy, labour, baby days etc that you head on over and share them on the link at loveallblogs. Its such a great resource and so fab that you can easily search by topic and maybe come across a new favourite blog. That would be cool.
Its not been ages since i was pregnant (my youngest is just 16 months) but i can remember each of my 5 fairly clearly. What women doesn't remember the time when she was carrying her child? You can an 80 year old grandmother about her pregnancy and delivery and she will still be able to tell you with cut glass clarity. For so many of us it is a defining moment in our lives. We were part of a miracle as well as becoming a new person.
So come and join in. do.