1. I watched one episode of one born every minute the other day because a friend told me that there was a lady on there who had reminded her of me. Mostly because she was having her fifth unexpected baby. You can read my reaction to finding out i was pregnant for the fifth time here. Im not so sure i will be watching it again, no-one needs to be crying at lunctime do they? My goodness. There was a disabled lady having her first baby who just had the most incredible spirit. Truly inspiring but left me in a bit of a mess for the school run.
2. So its lent. What shall i give up? What is going to actually be achieveable?
3. Walk to school wednesday. I dont have issues with it. at all. I am lucky enough to be able to walk to our school and have done with all the kids most of the time. BUT on wednesday my three year old goes to pre-school and if i walk to school we are then late for pre-school and I hold those precious three hours of time with just one baby quite tightly and so arriving late means i am MISSING OUT. But my older kids always whine that they NEED to walk to school on walk to school wednesday. Now please don't think im being picky but doesnt the fact that my kids walk to and from school almost every other day sort of act as a bit of a credit balance in the walk to school deposit account? No? is it just me? Can someone tell my kids or maybe even the teachers??
4. I am loving the newborn shoots i have done recently. yes i know i could go on and on about this but i just love working with newborns (outside of the hospital). Not that i don't love my job in the NICU…ah..you know what i mean.
5. This week i am very excited to be hosting the love pregnancy blogs bit of loveallblogs.com. I volunteered to help and pitch in. Now I have had five pregnancies and I work in a maternity hospital so im around pregnant ladies a lot so ill no doubt have a few things to share. But if you have any fabulous memories to share about your pregnancy or if you are pregnant and want to share the journey (and if you have a blog) then bob over and share your post on the love pregnancy blog page. Im really thrilled to be part of the team.
6. music time. I heard this song on the radio. really love it.
7. Im thinking of ordering our cereal direct from Kellogs. Maybe they could deliver it in some kind of storage container too. Seriously we go through so much of it. I found the baby eating a dry weetabix the other day. Now that is desperate! Someone feed that child!
8. On friday I will be watching this. In between managing the five little folk solo. OH is off away on a BELA weekend again. Anyone know if you can record live internet stream?
9. A friend of mine got me onto this New Girl. I have to say i really like it. It does make me cringe and hide behind the duvet at times. But in a smiley sort of way. I watch it on catch up as with most things these days. It reminds me a little bit of another series though? Just needs a coffee house and i think it might be very close to another certain American sitcom. Any ideas what!
10. Pancake day was shared with some good friends this afternoon, which i was really grateful for. Having worked a night shift last night I was banking on some frozen Costco bought pancakes warmed up in the oven. But a friend of mine saved the day with home made beauties with lashing of lemon, sugar and syrup. Perhaps the most perfect way to have pancakes? no?
So lovelies, link in if you are up for it. If not go check out some other tuesdayten folk.
Thnak you that really made me smile! Good luck this weekend beingt solo – I hate being solo but there are times when it’s just great being able to just be with your kids on your twerms and no one elses!