Ive been tagged in this mother of all tags. *holds breath*
My Difficult Dozen!
tagged by the splendiferous Melkshammum and trouble doubled. Two mummy blogs that i love to hang out at so how could i not join in. Here's how it goes:
The rules:
1. You must post the rules
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in the blog post
3. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you in their post and then create 12 new questions for the fellow bloggers you plan to tag
4. Tag 12 people and link to them on your blog
5. Let them know you tagged them
part one: check.
Part two: 12 fun things about me: hmmmm.
1. I can ride a horse, really very well. I used to teach in fact. Yes..that well. *obv would be very rusty and ache like crazy now if i was to sit in a saddle*
2. I was born in Brighton, but my mother is Irish
3. I used to work for a company called PGL (kids adventure holidays) I had to live in a tent for 6 months. At the time i thought it was fun *shakes head*
4. I travelled to Canada after my first degree and worked on a goat farm (oh yes i did)
5. My favourite dinner is christmas dinner.
6. My favourite drink is the EVIL diet coke.
7. I am a slummy chocolate eater. Give me Cadbury dairy milk over some fancy fondant any day of the week
8. I was secretly into Take That when they were first famous. I was at Uni during the 90's when it was only cool to like The Happy Mondays et al. I like Gary.
9. I have spent hours watching youtube videos on how to master photoshop. Yes im that geeky.
10. We had chickens when i was a kid and a cockerel who had the heaviest foot fall ever. You could hear him coming from a mile away
11. I was a skier before I discovered snowboarding
12. I like the sun, i like the snow. i very muchly dislike rain.
So thats number 2 done. Number three is answer the questions posed by your tagger. I have two lots to answer so…um…
from double troubled:
1. Who is your celebrity crush? probably still Mr Gary Barlow
2. What is your tipple of choice? a lovely pinot
3. Who was the first musical act you saw live? the awesome Big Country
4. What was the first car you owned? A citroen 2CV
5. Where were you born and do you still live anywhere near there? Brighton *nope long way from there*
6. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Somewhere in the mountains
7. Can you speak any foreign languages, fluently? No, would have loved to tho
8. What fictional book would you recommend I read? um….reading? books? wah?
9. What is your best skill? making brownies!
10. Facial hair (on a man!) – Yes or No? only a little is acceptable.
11. Marmite – love or hate? love
12. Brandon Flowers – Hot or Not?!ashamed to say ive no idea who he is?
Woah, you had two to do, well done! No one seems to know who my ‘husband’ is!! I love your set of questions x
HA! You know i almost googled him as well 😉 thx for the tag xx