Do you love blogs?


me too…


When Mammasaurus posted on twitter that the new website aimed at bringing together the best of blogging was needing a bit more help i jumped at the chance to help. 

So how does it work? If you have a blog you can go every week before friday and check out the categories and see if you have anything on your blog that might fit in and post a wee extract from that post and people can then bob on over to loveallblogs and browse by category and maybe find something new. 


So I am delighted to be part of the team helping to run this fantastic resource. I will be sharing the hosting of the 'Pregnancy' related blogs and blog posts. No, im not pregnant but i think having done it 5 times and working in a maternity hospital with teeny newborns for the past ten years qualifys me a bit 😉


So im sharing with Shareen who is 3 weeks away from her first baby *eeeep* remember that feeling? Go on over to her blog by clicking on her name and see the beautiful letter she has written to her unborn wee girl.


So come on over to Loveallblogs and join in why don't you?



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