yuppo here we go again.
1. We have a new favourite film in our house:
though the thought of monsters coming out of the cupboard is actually still a little bit scary right? Our youngest talks in a similar way to Boo in this movie. all biss biss tigg, missmissmiss.
2. Kicked off my photography year with a newborn shoot at the weekend. Just love photographing newborn babies.
3. Suggestions for a large 8/9 seater car comparative with the VW transporter or Mercedes Vito which won't cost a fortune? We really need a new car..not just the space issue (although every seat is taken in our car) but the fact that our car, without a sliding door arrangement means that the kids in the back have to fling themselves over the middle row of seats to get out..usually kicking a baby or small angry toddler in the face as they go. It drives me nuts and those cars without sliding doors that don't have a middle row that turns and faces the back row (like the Vito) are not much use. Same problem of getting the back row folks out.
4. The kids got to rub shoulders with a Olympic Gold medallist today Jamie Staff who won gold in the cycling events at the last Olympics. He is coaching the American team now (eh?) and they were visiting the area where my parents live as he is from there. My son was suitably impressed i think although more interested in the crazy clown bikes they had bought along for the kids to play on!
5. What is your favourite kind of chair? We are thinking of replacing a sofa with a chair, give us a bit more space and also hopefully stop us filling the sofa with all the various bits of paper mountain we have in out house! Although that might be a bit of wishful thinking. Im thinking something like this:
although that colour fabric would NOT work in my house because it not stay that colour for very long at all.
6. I have some exciting blog news. Just need to finalise some details and then can share *eeeeeee*
7. Musical interlude bought to you by:
8. We have officially reached that point in our family that when we visit family, that some of us are going to have to bed down on the living room floor. You know its not that bad. We can't hear the kids getting up early upstairs. bonus.
9. im so about twitter and less about facebook. You can find me on twitter at apartyofseven *flaps wings*
10. Im about to order my girls some of these skirts.
Please go over and check them out, they are totally adorable. You will be seeing them in some upcoming photoshoots 🙂
Linking up with these lovely ladies. although its half term and i know one lucky lady is on her way to cape town so thinking a ten on tuesday is going to be far from her mind. Have a fantastic time Jo! Hugs to the Lewis clan.
If you have a blog why don't you join in with the ten on tuesday. Go on 🙂
so then, the chair. I was in a shop ( next I believe?) and was sat on this exact chair having a rest while summoning the energy to walk back to the car. Toddler in tow, the lady came over and asked if i needed help, due to slight embarrassment ( i had been sat there a while) i ended up making up some story about wanting to buy the chair. I went home with fabric samples and payment plan details ! so yeah, i’ve sat on it and it’s comfy…………….
Ooo love the idea of 10 on Tuesday! Although now it’s Wednesday I think I’ve missed the boat. Will try and join in next week 😀 Those skirts are adorable by the way, just so cute. Not sure they’re the most appropriate outfit for potty training though…