so its been quite a while since i have done one of these..that April A2Z challenge sort of got in the way a bit…
anyways this week:
I see you nearly every time i take my daughter to nursery pushing your bike with a large christmas type tree tied to your bike. Like nearly every day. I am wondering if in fact you are real or some figment of my sleep starved brain. Because i cannot imagine WHY anyone would be wanting to push a bike with tree attached up a hill more than once..let alone every day. What in the heck are you doing?
curiously, Sx
Dear Varicella zoster,
Im not crazy that you are visiting with us right now. But you know its what you gotta do. Go easy on the wee one.
hand me the calamine, Sx
Dear Pupply,
What is it with hanging around outside for hours and then coming in and leaving puddles IN the house. Dude! Sort it out.
frustratingly, Sx
Dear Olympic organisers,
Maybe it has escaped your attention but the olympics is supposed to be about sporting achievement, representing you country and enjoying the culmination of years of sacrifice and discipline to achieve a goal….not fleecing the public.
disappinted, Sx
Dear giant chocolate buttons,
you are so wrong for me in so many ways but i secretly love you more than the kids do,
secret stash, Sx
Dear house,
If you could see to it somehow that you stretch an extra 2 foot all round that would be really helpful. Thanks.
its all getting a bit squashed, Sx
Dear Springtime,
Okay so if we don’t ask “where in the HECK have you been?” can you hang around a bit please now that you are here and tell your sister “Summer’ to get her best frock on.
love ‘n all, Sx