toilet reflections.

Summer time last year I did a guest post on potty training. I found myself reflecting on it over the past week as our three year old still has some 'poo' issues with her potty training! Sometimes there seems no light at the end of the tunnel. But i looked at this post and reflected on the fact that i actually have successfully potty trained 3 kids already…eventually!

Thought id link it up just in case anyone else wants a read and a bit of a giggle at my 'caught in a book shop with huge turd in potty' story


Happy monday.

A while ago I noticed on twitter a recent mummy and supremo photographer asking for any guest posts and I jumped at the chance, especially when she asked for funny stories and one particular story came to mind.

You can read about it here:

And if you are here from julia's blog. Hullo to you. Come be my friend on twitter: twitter:@apartyofseven

Guest post on all things potty and botty :)


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