Pick a story this week on #satcap

flicking through some images, came across this, how many stories are there in this story? Pick one and caption it. go on 🙂




    • Sarah
      July 14, 2012 / 10:29 pm

      brilliant as usual 🙂

  1. July 14, 2012 / 6:07 am

    The people watched and waited for the balls to take flight but nothing was happening…

  2. Sinead
    July 14, 2012 / 7:22 am

    The look on their faces said it all, these giant balls were not to be messed with…..
    Sinead recently posted…Saturday is Caption DayMy Profile

    • Sarah
      July 14, 2012 / 10:28 pm


  3. July 14, 2012 / 9:40 am

    With only two remaining, stalemate ensued as the ticcy-of-the-ground championships reached a dramatic climax.

  4. July 14, 2012 / 11:28 am

    Feast your eyes on this

    • Sarah
      July 14, 2012 / 10:28 pm

      ouch! 🙂

  5. July 15, 2012 / 4:23 pm

    “Have you seen the queue for Starbucks? Oh, balls to it”
    Natalie recently posted…Silent SundayMy Profile

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