ten on tuesday….



1. Okay hands up who didn't get snow this weekend? Yeah…us too. Instagram was FULL of images of snowy shots from bedroom windows in the morning and we were looking at….rain. I even joked with a a lady in Asda today that the managers of the store had obviously dragged all the sledges out to the front because you pretty much fell over them on the way in. None for us. *sulk*

2. i have re-discovered Pinterest. Ive had the app on my phone for ages and have surfed around it a bit but someone 'liked' something i had come across a while back and it reminded me..i found this image titled "the RAY OF DEATH takes more victims' – made me giggle. 


3. Anyone have a really good slow-cooker/croc-pot recipe for a lentil dahl? Yeah the kids will all go 'ewwwwww..it looks like sick' but i like it and im the chef….what of it?

4. Speaking of food, this sunday i did some roasted carrots and parsnips in honey, orange and olive oil. They looked INCREDIBLE and tasted awesome. The kids reaction 'Why can't we have carrots the normal way ' for full effect imagine in a whining voice too…


5. We are still in the throws of a vicious stomach bug. Nowhere near as bad but there are some lingering symptoms. For the Love of God. Enough. Im starting to dread seeing the school number flashing up on my phone..gah!

6. I have mentioned this a few times on twitter but my eldest daughter seems to have her future husband all picked out. He is in her class and they have already discussed at what age they will marry (when they are 21/22 apparently) and it will be on the 3rd January. Is it mad that i thought..ooh winter wedding how lovely! Yes it is insane but i need to start some early planning for this you know about i have to potentially be mother of the bride 4 times! 

7. Music for today, i heard that paul McCartney has done a cover of this song but i couldn't find it but i quite like this little version:


8. After a bit of a winter rest up my photography enquiries are coming in again for Spring. Which is exicting. Happy to be getting back to it again. Exciting news hopefully soon with regard to that too!

9. Its so very nearly half term…i can taste it… 

10. Im guest posting for a couple of other blogs over the next couple of weeks. Very exciting and so lovely to get other people's feedback on my writing. *skipdy skip*

Linking up with these lovely gals. Go check it out:






If you have a blog why don't you join in with the ten on tuesday. Go on 🙂





  1. February 7, 2012 / 8:36 pm

    love the death ray picture!!!!!!
    and sorry we got snow!

  2. February 7, 2012 / 10:53 pm

    it makes me giggle every time i look at it. No worries on the snow. Its what comes from living in the damp north west!

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