i see trees that are green….


..is that song in your head now? Well there are worse tunes to be in your head, lets face it. Im usually singing something from cbeebies that i cant seem to shake from my sub consciousness. A friend of mine once said that when your brain switches to 'screen save' mode often there is some little catchy number circulating in the quiet. For a long time in my brain it was the 'Thomas the tank engine' tune…."its 2, its 4, its 6, its 8..shunting trucks and moving freight…'

never mind…
Anyway Wonderful world is not 'thomas and his friends' and so i will happily have that going round in my head a while.

BUT…to get to some sort of point..I took this picture last sunday. What i like about it is that is looks so peaceful and quiet but actually there was a game of rugby being played on one side of these trees and a game of footie on the other….and i took some pics of the rugby game too…um…just because….


they might just be up next 🙂

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