Yes..yes she is…*sigh*
In fact she was actually 8 months about 10 days ago but in the blur of her sister's party i didnt realise..
Our sweet Matilda Rose….today you are:
- Still content to sit…..crawling is not in your vocab as yet. Its cool
- Has rolled over from front to back but not really too fussed about that one either. Its okay with us.
- When you are in your car seat you hang onto the handle with both hands like you are just about to set off on a rollercoaster.
- Has gone from being a little bit 'unfriendly' at times to being a little bit more smiley
- Sleeps (usually) through the night, although that does depend on your definition of 'morning!"
- Has learnt to 'bounce' her bed by herself, she pushes her legs up under her bottom and then drops down and gets a nice little bounce going. Yes I realise the issues with her moving into a cot..before you all say it..she is just staying in her nest till her legs hang over the end….
- Tried 'falafal' last night and seemed to like it. Got to dig that 'cos its one of my favourite foods 🙂
- Likes to feed herself.
- Has managed some 'payback' on her sibs in the way of hair pulling and face squishing. I told 'em I did…
- Squeals really really high pitch.
- Has those incredible blue eyes and blonde hair atop.
- Is in a size 3 nappy and size 6-9 month clothes.
- Still no teeth…nah….not worried…they are not late in this family 🙂
- Favourite game is waving her arms, she does it when she is happy, excited or indiscriminately when we are out and about. Works well on old ladies who think she is waving at them
- Wont keep socks on….which i dont really have a problem with but a lady told me off the other day for letting her get cold feet….*gasp* what a terrible mother!
- Says 'da da da' and blows the coolest raspberries that make us all laugh so of course she carries on doing it…workin' the crowd..that's my girl :)
I realise that i changed from first person to second person half way through that list…umm..lets just go with it. Fluidity in grammar is a good thing.
here she is again…showing a little bit of sass…
I’ve been a bad blog friend! Sorry…
Doesn’t time fly by?? She is such a dolly!!! Isn’t the sit and stay stage the best! I don’t get why parents are in such a rush for walking! And TALKING for that matter! ;-D Both are over rated!!!
And have I ever told you that I think you and your hubby have picked the most perfect names for your children? I love them all! And they seem to completely fit each of them!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!