Its a sleepy saturday caption day for me at least it will be as I am working friday night so will be fairly smushed tomorrow…here it is.
so who is top banana then?
Jenny Paulin recently posted…Saturday Is Felt Tip Pen Caption Day
They look like a fun bunch
PhotoMummy recently posted…#SatCap 17/11/12
B1 and B2 teach B3 how to drive.
The newest Banana recruit didn’t get the pyjamas memo.
Hey mum meet my new band – Bananarama !
(apologies it’s early and my brain is not yet engaged!)
Mammasaurus recently posted…Saturday is Caption Day!
Oh B1 I am so jealous of all that hair! Look at us – pair of bald bananas!
Capture by Lucy recently posted…I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Mummy they’re both in their pjs, they may be slightly fruity!
Notmyyearoff recently posted…A Mother’s Prayer for Her Child By Tina Fey
She may regret picking up these two hitchikers.
My 2 year old saw this and her caption was:
*dons Mike Reid voice* nana and a nana!
So, there you go!
Of course you can join in……just watch you don’t slip…..
Can ou drop us at Primark- we are need an update look- Bananas in Onsies is the way forward!
Sonya Cisco recently posted…In which I am a terrible parent.
Driving them bananas
Pinkoddy recently posted…Saturday is Iced & Delicious Caption Day