Maisie Elizabeth….joined the family five years ago today at this exact time.
Hard to believe she is 5. I know everyone says the same thing. You wait till i start lamenting Isaac being 7 in a few weeks time…*sigh*
She is the only one out of the four that wasn't born in the early (ish) hours of the morning. With the other three I was awoken by labour and then delivered between 0630 and 0830…all three of them, you think they had a plan to go for office hours or in the case of LWH that means at shift change time which always sucks really..but anyway i digress…Maisie, bless her, arrived at 12.07am, having started contractions at a very civilised 10am on the day she was due. In theory i should have been able to get some good shut eye time before visitors, doctors etc the following morning. Didn't work out that way tho. I just couldn't sleep..once Ben had gone home i just laid awake and watched her through the little fish tank cot. I am always in awe at each one of my babies. But Maisie was my first girl and i felt so lucky and privileged to have a been blessed with a daughter. I just knew it was a relationship I wanted to have and have always wanted to have…..i love being a mum to girls…which is kinda good really 😉
She is a sensitive soul. She says she wants to be a nurse and look after babies. She talks about having her own babies. I say lots of 'not for a long time!" She is considerate and thoughtful. She wears her heart on her sleeve and feels emotion out loud. She is the most happiest to sit in front of the camera. She can ride a bike without stabilisers! She is the kid that will go and talk to someone that no-one else is talking to and ask them for a game or if they like a book or something. You are a bright shining star little girl. Happy Birthday. We love you xx
Happy Birthday Maisie
Lots of love
Nanan & Grandad xx
ahh, that bought a tear to my eye! Happy birthday x
Happy Birthday Maisie, how wonderful to be loved that much!!!!