watching people walk in bare feet on pebbles has always made me chuckle…..i know….i know…its mean and a little cruel but seriously the shapes people make when they are walking up a pebbly beach…ha…
Ben always says 'i know that if i fall over, you wont be the one coming to help, you'll be clapping your hand over your mouth and giggling…'
I cant help it!
Its a condition…
mind you, this coming from the man who said, after i had delivered my first daughter and was reeling somewhat from the shock and intensity of it (i had drugs first time round with Isaac so was a little unprepared for the pain…) …..his memorable words?….'got to tell you right at the end had to stop myself bursting out laughing!
Yes oh yes he did…… *shakes head*
But dont worry..i got him back..*snigger*..just ask him about delivery number 4…..
there are other things you can do with a pebbly beach…
other than laugh at people that is *coughcough*
just ask Matilda