i don't need to tell y'all how much i love my kids, you know that. There are days when i could tear my hair out mind you but some days they just ROCK..let me tell ya…
Packing day for holiday is always a challenge right? We usually divide and conquer, in that Ben will take the kids off somewhere and then I will pack. Well i decided not to do that this year and we told the kids that in order for us to go away on our jollies both Mummy and Daddy needed to work hard and get all our packing done. So they needed to entertain themselves and get along whilst we did this so we didnt need to be up till 2am packing once they had gone to bed….
I was a bit doubtful but they were amazing. They played all morning, tinkering with different things and then decided between them to make an enormous train track that ran through a couple of rooms. Minimal squabbles, much teamwork going on, it was cool to just listen to them working together. I was so proud of them…just kept saying to them how amazing they were doing….i mean as a kid you can never tire of hearing that right?
at lunchtime we decided to go for lunch at a little cafe that we walk past every day on the way to school and Isaac always asks to go to…its a bit flash..but we went, well me and the 'bigs.' Ben stayed to look after little babba who was catching up on some Z's….
Kids and eating out isnt always a pleasurable experience but today they just 'got' it. All three of them were awesome…
and yes that is a humungoid piece of cake Isaac has, we 'helped' him finish it 😉
have no idea what she was doing, she was like 'take a picture mummy!'
OJ in coffee take outs..heh heh…love it…
and a final scooter home to finish it off….back to the packing…
so cute! what a lovely family!