all over the house…

little lines of things are popping up…like cars, animals, bath toys…all sorts of things really.

That poor horse there is having some gravity issues i think….

This last little bunch reside under our bed and i keep finding each child fiddling with them, moving them around and putting more there, taking some away. Its a strange little thing they have got going on between them. A bit of sibling 'car park attending' if you will. I am wondering tho, why the camper van is on its side? We try and educate our kids and they should know that the VW is something to treasure…..maybe its having some work 'done'…..which is at least, a fair representation of a camper van i suppose…



1 Comment

  1. August 7, 2009 / 4:06 pm

    sarah, these are really cute shots.

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